Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lambert's Throwing Rolls Cafe

Friday, November 20, 2009 this was a travel day for us. The first part of the day went rather slow because we had fog most of the morning and the road we traveled on was very curvy. Our philosophy of travel is why take an interstate, when you can travel the back roads and enjoy the scenery. Besides we very seldom travel faster than double-nickel (55 mph) on any road we roll on. We traveled 319.8 miles until we arrived at Sikeston, MO pulling into the Lambert’s CafĂ© parking lot, the home of the thrown rolls. Anywhere in the restaurant if you want a roll a roving roll thrower will yell out, not to anyone in particular if they want a roll. If you raise your hand he will throw you one. If you miss it and it goes on the floor, no problem he will just throw you another one until you catch it.

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