Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ummm Crispy-cremes

Monday, November 23, 2009 went into Wal-Mart picking up a dozen Crispy-crème donuts. Arriving back at the motor home I stepped inside, sitting down at our new table to have a few mouth-watering donuts. I turned on the TV watching a little Good Morning America and waiting on Rhonda to get up. I heard her stirring around in the back and I was beaming with pride for my accomplishment of getting us the donuts. Out walks Rhonda, she looks at the four donuts missing from the box of twelve and just smiles at me. I couldn’t tell if it was a smile of satisfaction for my getting our breakfast or a smile saying, “I see you’re at it again.” After breakfast we headed toward Livingston, Texas to pick up our mail and settle in at our homestead in little Woodville, Texas. We traveled 226.8 miles today and arrived at 2 pm. Pulling into our spot, Bobby Adkins one of our dear friends came over to welcome us back, his wife Annette was still working. The owners were just getting back from town, Guy and Linda LaFoy. They too are very good friends of ours.

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